Fruits Not Suitable for Babies Under 12 months Old

Since the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” became popular, many parents consider eating more fruits as something beneficial and harmless. After introducing solid foods, parents start feeding their babies fruit puree and fruit porridge. However, there are certain fruits that are not suitable for babies under one year old. If your baby is not yet one year old, it’s best to avoid the following fruits!

1. Grapes

Grapes, despite being rich in nutrients, top the list of foods with the highest “fatality rate” for children and are a major cause of choking-related deaths in infants and young children. Babies’ swallowing reflex is not fully developed, and feeding them grapes can easily lead to choking. If not promptly addressed within two minutes, it can result in brain hypoxia or suffocation. Therefore, grapes should be kept away from babies under one year old.

2. Mangoes

Mangoes are nutrient-rich, sweet, and have a unique fragrance. However, mangoes are a fruit that can easily cause allergies. The protein found in mangoes can trigger allergic reactions in babies under one year old, whose immune system may not be strong enough to handle it. It’s safer to avoid consuming mangoes during this period.

3. Watermelons

Watermelons are refreshing and delicious, making them a popular summer fruit. However, watermelons are not suitable for babies under one year old. Due to their high water content, if a baby consumes too much watermelon within a short period, it can dilute their stomach acid. Additionally, the digestive system of a baby under one year old is not fully developed, leading to severe gastrointestinal disturbances.

4. Pineapples

Pineapples contain three active biocompounds that can easily trigger allergies in babies. One is “glycosides,” which can irritate the oral mucosa and skin, causing itching in some individuals. Another is “5-hydroxytryptamine,” which is an amino-containing neurotransmitter that stimulates vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure. The third compound is “bromelain,” which can hydrolyze proteins. However, some individuals may experience allergic reactions such as abdominal pain, vomiting, hives, headaches, difficulty breathing, or even shock upon contact with bromelain in pineapples.

So, what principles should be followed when feeding fruits to babies?

  1. Timing of consumption

Since fruits contain a significant amount of sugars, consuming them before or immediately after meals can affect the baby’s appetite for regular meals. It is recommended to offer fruits to babies one hour before or after a meal, or during their nap time. Eating fruits before a meal can interfere with the baby’s regular diet, while consuming fruits after a meal can cause bloating and constipation.

  1. Fruits cannot substitute vegetables

Some mothers may believe that fruits and vegetables are similar as they are both plant-based foods and contain similar vitamins and minerals. Moreover, fruits have a more pleasant and sweet taste compared to vegetables, making them more convenient to eat. However, this approach is incorrect!

The vitamin and mineral content in fruits is significantly lower than that of vegetables. Relying solely on fruits cannot meet the baby’s nutritional needs for vitamins and minerals. Therefore, fruits and vegetables in a baby’s diet should not be substituted for one another.

  1. Moderation is key

Fruits contain a higher amount of sugar, and excessive intake can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, making it difficult for babies to experience hunger and affecting their regular meal intake. Additionally, excessive sugar intake can be converted into fat, leading to weight gain in babies.

  1. Avoid consuming spoiled fruits

If a fruit has a small rotten spot, cutting off the affected area and continuing to give the rest to the baby is incorrect!

Spoiled fruits may contain toxic substances that can be harmful to the body. Babies’ digestive systems are usually sensitive, and even slight spoilage of food can cause abnormal reactions. Therefore, when you notice that fruits at home have spoiled, it is advisable to discard them to prevent babies from being exposed to harmful bacteria.

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